

Whether your organization is a non-profit, commercial, government or industrial enterprise, bringing business processes to the web browser delivers many benefits. In secure web environments, enterprises can take advantage of web standards and common platforms. Business applications can be offered with low training costs, low startup costs and low maintenance costs. Far from static pages of the online glossy brochure, Web 2.0 applications can meet the computing needs of any organization.

To give you a flavor of the types of enterprise problems that can be addressed, here are some examples of problems our clients have posed and the solutions we have created. Often times we have brought our insight into an organization's needs and provided valuable extensions with little extra effort and cost.


Keeping up to date with the organization's memberships, fees and expiration dates consumed too much time and was disorganized to the point that it was unclear who was still a member.


A web application which tracked the membership, expiration dates and membership fees allowed instantaneous access to current membership lists. By including dynamically generated individual or group membership cards in Adobe-Acrobat format (pdf) it became possible for the first time to issue Membership Cards.


A safety proactivity program needed a way to capture information from field observations of safety related events and summarize performance by individual, department and the site as a whole. A distributed method for capturing observation data was essential for success, measured as high participation.


An intranet web application with multiple roles, observers, department administrators and site administrators delivered the web application to workers' desktop. Dynamically generated charts allowed instantaneous comparisons of performance for the entire site, for each department and for any week for a wide-variety of statistics.


Implementation of ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) required up to date Organization Charts which were perennially out of date.


By combining the needs of a corporate phone book and personnel lines of accountability, an intranet web application, with multiple roles, allowed department heads to keep their reporting lines current at all times. Dynamically generated graphics allowed users to visually browse the organizations supervisory tree. With the integration of a searchable phone book, productivity improvements were realized and personnel costs reduced.


Financial data from holding public events was hard if not impossible to compile with limited volunteer support.


By introducing on-line event registration and tracking of 'purchase orders' for each attendee, we built an extranet web application that brought a systematic approach to capturing the needed registration and book-keeping information. With the addition of other back-office tools, the Profit and Loss of an event can now be reviewed with the click of a mouse instead of in a matter of weeks.

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